26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Scientific Pre-Conference Programs – CME
Date- May18,2022
Venue-Grand palace Hotel




Basics of body imaging, CT and MRI


8.30am- 4:30am

Tea break


10.30am- 11.00am

Bile duct Injury

Hepatobiliary surgeon


Perioperative care for pediatric surgical patients

Pediatric surgeon and Pediatric Anesthesiologist





Updates in management of Gastric cancer

Achibadam team

1;30pm- 3.30pm

Tissue handling for Histopathologic examination

Onco-pathology team

3.30pm- 4.00 pm

Tea Break



Thursday, May 19th, 2022, All Activities at Main Hall

8:00 – 8:30


Event organizers

8:30 – 8:40

Welcoming Address

Dr. Wuletaw Chane,

Secretary-General of SSE

8:40 – 8:50

Presidential Address

Asks to Stand for National Anthem

Dr. Atakliti

President of SSE

8:50 – 9:00

Opening Address

Dr. Lia Tadese

Minster of FMOH 

9:00 – 9:30

SSE Recognition

1.    Long years of service and Teaching

2.    Rural surgical practice

3.    Expat contributing surgical practice in Ethiopia

Award Committee


Business meeting

EC members

10:30 – 11:00

Tea Break and Exhibition Tour


11:00-12:30 -Round Table Panel Discussion


Dr. Seyoum Kassa, Dr. Hanan Alebachew


DR. Yohanes Challa, Head Addis Ababa Health Office, Head


Dr. Ayele Teshome, State Minister, FMOH


Dr. Nebiyou Seyoum , AAU


Dr. Mequanint Tiruneh  , UoG


Dr. Mathewos WoldeMariam


Dr. Wuletaw Chane


                           12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break

Thursday, May 19th, 2022, Afternoon

Scientific Paper Presentation, session I

General Surgery




Predictors of Failure for Non-operative Management of Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction at a specialized tertiary care center in Ethiopia.

Tsega Terefe, Kenzu Bedru , Ayelign Tsehay , Shanko Gebru , Mahteme Bekele Muleta


Retrospective Review of Small Bowel Obstruction in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Abraham Genetu, MD; Nichole Starr, MD, MPH; Mekdim Tadesse, MD; Chinaemere Igwebuike, MD, PhD; Kalid Sherefa, MD; Yohanna Aregawi, MD; Ebenezer Zewdu, MD; Daniel Tamirat, MD, Migbar Desalegn, MD4; Hobart Harris, M1; Daniel Zemenfes, MD.


The role of anatomic dimensions in the development of primary small bowel volvulus, North-western Ethiopia: a case-control study

Agegnehu Bayeh, Belta Abegaz

14:00- 14:10

The role of sigmoid colon anatomic dimensions in the development of sigmoid volvulus, North-Western Ethiopia

Agegnehu Berie Bayeh , Belta Asnakew Abegaz

14:10- 14:30



Professor Asrat Weldeyes  Memorial Lecture

Chair Person

Cardiac Surgery in Ethiopia


14:30 – 15:10





        Tea Break 15:10- 15:30

Scientific Paper Presentation, session II

General Surgery



15:30 – 15:40

Seasonal Variability of Patients Presenting with Appendicitis in Southern Ethiopia

Jacques Fadhili Bake, MD, MCS(ECSA), Timothy P. Love, MD, MPH, FACS, FCS(ECSA), Gezahegn Tilahun Tesfaye, MD, FCS(ECSA)

15:40 – 15:50

Gastrojejunocolic Fistula after Gastrojejunostomy: A Case Report

Keno Mohammed Umera, Tilahun Habte Nuretab , Tiruwork Fekadu Akaluc, Wongel Tena Shale

15:50 – 16:00   

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a resource-limited setting:

A retrospective descriptive study on 124 cases

Ayenew Gaye MD, David Jeffcoach MD, Timothy P.Love MD, Gezahegn Tilahun MD

16:00- 16:10

Gastrojejunocolic Fistula after Gastrojejunostomy: A Case Report

Keno Mohammed Umer, Tilahun Habte Nureta , Tiruwork Fekadu Akalu, Wongel Tena Shale

16:10 – 16:30

Q and A


16:30 -End of Day one

Gala Dinner at Skylight Hotel 18:00- 15:00

Day II Main Hall

Scientific Paper Presentation, session I

Surgical Education

Chair Person


8:30 –  8:40

Determinants of satisfaction and self-perceived proficiency of trainees in surgical residency programs at a single institution

Segni Kejela MD, Abreham Genetu, MD

8:40 – 8:50

Global Medical Student Perceptions and Barriers to Research: A Survey, Do perceive research training needs and interests of medical students vary internationally? A global comparative assessment

Kelsey Stewart, Aemon Berhane, Sergio M Navarro, Susana Maria Prestinary Alvarado, Evan Keil, Hodan Abdi, Tavonga Anne Tafirei, Sylvia Frazier, Jennifer Rickard

8:50 –  9:00

Deborah M. Rooney, Ph.D.; Nicole M. Mott, BS; C. Yoonhee Ryder, BS; Mark J. Snell, MD; Blessing N. Ngam, MD; Melanie L. Barnard, MD; David R. Jeffcoach, MD; Grace J. Kim, MD Leul Shigut, MD;

9:00 – 9:15

Q and A

9:15 –  9:25

Neurosurgery Training Program in a low-income country: an evaluation of neurosurgical residents’ and graduates’ experience and perspectives on their training.

Mersha Abebe, MD,  Amha Mekasha, MD, MSC, Faizal Haji MD, PhD, FRCSC

9:25 – 9:35

Conducting a structured trauma training program for the first-year surgical residents: a novel pilot program from a low-income country

Segni Kejela MD, Alliya Qazi MD

9:35- 9:45

Validation of a Novel Laparoscopic Box Trainer for Low Resource Settings

Yohannes Debebe, MD, Deborah M. Rooney, Ph.D., Muse French, MD, Melanie L. Barnard, MD, Grace J. Kim, MD, David R. Jeffcoach, MD Abstract

9:45 –  10:00

Discussion Q and A

State of the Art Lecture II

Chair Person



10:00 – 10:40   


Management of Skin Cancer



                                 10:40- 11:00 Tea Break

Scientific Paper Presentation.Session II

 General Surgery Surgery (HPB)

Chair Person


11:00 –  11:10

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) experience in Ethiopia

Abdulsemed Mohammed Nur1, Fisseha Tekle2, Jiksa Dhabasa2, Mark Topazian1

11:10 –  11:20

Factors Associated with Perioperative Outcome of Patients Managed Surgically for Malignant Biliary Tract Obstruction

Nebiyou Ermias

11:20 –  11:30

Agenesis of the right lobe of the liver, Case Report

Ashenafi Amsalu Feleke, MD, Friehiwot Amsalu Birhanu, MD ,Fraol Worku Tirfe, MD

11:30- 11: 45

Q and A

11:45 – 11:55

Factors Associated with Perioperative Outcome of Patients Managed Surgically for Malignant Biliary Tract Obstruction

Nebiyou Ermias

11:55 –  12:05

The Efficacy of Neoadjuvant, Surgery, and Adjuvant Therapy Compared to Upfront Surgery and Adjuvant Therapy for Borderline and Respectable Pancreatic Cancer: A Meta-analysis of Phase III RCTs

Atalel Fentahun Awedew, MD

12:05 –  12:15

Delayed Distal Pancreatectomy for isolated Complete pancreatic disruption secondary to “trivial” blunt abdominal injury: A Case report and literature review

Segni Kejela MD, Girmaye Tamrat MD

12:15 –  12:30

Discussion Q and A


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break


Scientific Paper Presentation, Session III

General Surgery (Colorectal )




Clinical Presentations and Surgical Outcome of Perianal Fistula at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College

Abdinasir Mohamed, Hanan Alebachew   , Gelan Gebremichael, Temegen Gelete, Mahteme Bekele Muleta


Scoping Reviews on the Surgical Outcomes of High vs. Low IMA Ligation for the Management of Sigmorectal Cancer:

Zelalem Asefa (MD), Atalel Fentahun Awedew (MD)


Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen: Can it differentiate metastatic colorectal cancer from a locally advanced stage? A Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analysis

Segni Kejela, MD

14:00- 14:10

Giant Lipoma of the Hepatic flexureof colon:ACase Report

Tilahun Habte Nureta(MD) ,Lemesa Elias Muleta(MD)

14:10- 14:30

Q and A



Professor Taye Mekuria   Memorial Lecture

Chair Person



14:30 – 15:10


Thyroid Cancer


Dr, Melese Gebeyehu

Tea Break 15:10- 15:30

State of the Art Lecture


Chair Person



15:30 – 16:00


War and Civilian Neurotrauma Management


Dr, Mersha Abebe


16:00- 17:00    Award Ceremony and Closing remarks, at Room I (Main Hall)


 17:00               End of 26th SSE AGM and SC